My S18 pedal is floppy

This problem is usually caused by one of two things. 

First, we recommend that you check the piece of the pedal that extends out to meet the spring-steel clip. Make sure it is intact and has not sheared off. Compare the floppy pedal to the working pedal, if available.

If everything checks out, check to make sure the spring-steel clip is protruding out far enough such that it catches the pedal and is able to hold it up. If the spring-steel piece is not doing its job, but the pedal is still intact, First try bending the spring up into a matching position. If you're not able to bend it back we can send you a new spring-steel clip under warranty to correct the issue.

Alternatively, if your pedal is missing the portion that would normally clip into the spring-steel clip, we can send you another pedal and clip under warranty, as the clip was likely the cause of the pedal's breakage (this can happen if the clip is bent too far towards the pedal in the box).