How to: Replace V12 Driver and Mother Boards

How to: Replace V12 Driver and Mother Boards

This video guide covers the breakdown of the unit. I'll put down timestamps of the following steps, where they occur in the video.

  • Remove the pedals on both sides.(0:02)
  • Remove the pads on both sides.(0:20)
  • Remove the outer shells on both sides.(0:30)
  • Remove the screws securing the front, rear, and top panels. (0:51)
  • Remove the front and rear panels. (1:00)
  • Remove the 4 screws on the top of the unit securing the top panel. Remove the top panel. (1:10)
  • Label and photograph the placement of all wiring going into the controller bay.
    • Your unit may or may not have an additional LED PCB above the controller bay. Label the wiring and remove the PCB.
  • Disconnect all wires going into the controller bay. (1:25)
  • Remove the 8x screws securing the controller heatsink to the unit from the left and right sides.
  • Remove the 4x screws securing the controller heatsink to the unit from the top. (4:37)
  • Pull the heatsink and controller bay out the top of the unit. (4:45)
  • Remove the controller cover screws and remove the controller cover with the motherboard attached. (4:51)
    • There are 4 screws on the top of the cover, each located by one of the 4 aluminum risers.
    • Your unit may or may not have 2 counter-sunk screws on the left and right sides of the heatsink. (4:56)
  • Disconnect the motherboard. (5:06)
  • If replacing the motherboard: (5:38)
    • Remove the screws securing the motherboard to the controller cover.
    • Remove the motherboard and install the replacement motherboard.
  • If replacing the driver board: (5:10)
    • Remove the screws on the side of the heatsink, securing the MOSFETs to the heatsink.
    • Remove the screws on the top of the driver board, securing the board to the heatsink.
    • Remove the driver board and install the replacement driver board, securing it via the screws through the board and MOSFETs.
  • Connect the motherboard to the driver board.
  • Install the controller cover back on the heatsink, over the boards.
  • Reinstall the heatsink into the unit. Make sure it is facing the same direction as when originally installed.
  • Reinstall all wiring into the boards.
  • Reinstall the top panel and front panel.
  • At this point, turn the unit on. Activate the lift switch and set the unit on its kickstand.
  • Connect to the unit with the InMotion app. You should be prompted for a firmware update. Install the update. This may take several minutes.
    • If you aren't prompted for an update, go into the settings. Scroll down until you see "firmware update". Select this option and update the firmware, if it is available.
  • Test the unit to make sure it is fully functional before reassembling. (Lift switch, headlights/taillights, side LEDs, motor activation, screen activation)
  • Turn the unit off after testing.
  • Reassemble the rest of the unit, reinstalling the rear panel, outer shells, and pedals.